Thursday, September 20, 2007

OMG! A total rock star likes me!

OK, not a rock star, but close enough in the academic world. I'll explain best I can without revealing identities

So the final outside letter for my tenure finally came in -- too late for the department personnel committee, but in time for the chair to mention it in her letter, and for all the subsequent levels up the hierarchy. Anyway, it's from someone in my immediate specialty and it's someone I was a little afraid of because I thought she wouldn't like my work because she's all fancy-pants theoretical and I'm knock-off pants theoretical at best. So I actually didn't put her on my list of potential reviewers. But my senior colleague did, and she ended up being one of the people solicited, and since her letter was late in arriving I was especially worried about it.

Well...It. Totally. Rocks!!!!! (Yes, I got to see it. As you may recall, we're a public university in an open-records state. When my chair said it was "absolutely glowing" I just had to read it!) OMG, she likes me, she really likes me! And get this: lo these many years ago, I was an admitted, prospective graduate student visiting Rock Star's campus and department, back when she was still an assistant professor, I think, and in the letter she makes it clear she *remembered* me. And she mentioned that she knew my work from my articles even before the book! It's like she's been following my career or something. How awesome is that?!

I think I may faint, and this time it's not from whatever's in my head causing my dizzy spells! This is definitely something for the "love file"! Woo-hoo!


Ancarett said...

Yay for you! Everyone should keep a love file and refer to it on occasion, so that's a good thing to tuck away for a rainy day. Meanwhile, there are likely to be sunny skies ahead in your tenure application with this kind of support.

Anonymous said...

Of course she was absolutely glowing! (I might be a wee bit prejudiced since I have been "following your work" since you were born.) Congratulations, kiddo. Love, Virgo Sis.

Anonymous said...

How exciting! Congratulations indeed.

And what news from the doctor regarding this dizziness?

squadratomagico said...

Yay for you! Late congratulations on the unanimous vote from your dep't -- and also on the great letter! May the Afterglow continue...

Pilgrim/Heretic said...

This is fabulous news!

But even better is the phrase "knock-off pants theoretical," which is awesome and deserves a place of honor in academic vocabulary.

Dr. Virago said...

Thanks everyone -- especially to P/H for noticing a phrase I was quite proud of! :) I almost continued the conceit with something like, "She's Prada theoretical while I'm Isaac Mizrahi for Target theoretical," but I decided simpler was better.

And WN -- couldn't get a Dr. appt. until Monday, but the dizziness has subsided. I think it's related to ear/nose/throat stuff, maybe allergies.