Friday, July 11, 2008


First, the kind of crankiness you might expect: I am vexed, terribly vexed by continued craziness at my institution and by a certain electronic output by some of my colleagues, which has devolved into something from the bad old days of the UseNet. It's embarrassing. I wash my hands of it. I will no longer read or comment on it (in my lame attempts to raise the level of conversation to, uh, actual conversation about the subject of the posts). Oh, and some of you may remember that I held a last minute workshop for the parties involved to help them make it better -- more readable, more useful for their message, more interesting to a wider audience. ONE person showed up. And that person thought that only the registered bloggers could see it, so you can imagine the learning curve I was facing there.


Can I just say, for those of you who know what I'm talking about, that there are a lot of fantastic people at my institution among the students, faculty, and staff -- fantastic thinkers and creative artists and teachers and scholars (from students to faculty) and researchers and visionaries and organized minds who keep it all going. But it's always the squeaky wheels who get heard.

In other cranky news, but not my *own* crankiness...

Did you know there are *two* Cranky Professors? Seriously, there's the medieval art historian, The Cranky Professor, whom I already knew. And then there's one in English, too! But she goes by the shortened nom-de-blog of Cranky Prof and blogs at Cranky Epistles. Who knew? Did you?

Why are we all so cranky?

Btw, the word "cranky" has now become completely weird to me. Does that ever happen to you -- that is, you say or write a word over and over and it becomes alien in the process?


Karl Steel said...

...and I used to be grouchy...

Totally sympathetic to your suffering the flamewars of your colleagues. I'm inclined to think these people have not participated in online or electronic fora before, as it's been my experience that people, taking their first steps in this form of communication, tend not to understand social cues and tend, like a child, to just let the id flag fly. Chances are, however, that they're longtime listserv readers and are just embarrassing themselves. Sheesh.

Another Damned Medievalist said...

*eyerolls at colleagues*

And I know it's a bit persnickety, but I think it's bad form to use a nom de blog that's well-established. I'd be totally pissed if someone started blogging with a name that might be mistaken for mine.

Steve Muhlberger said...


How would anyone know in advance that you are using ADM, and were well known? It's a big blogging universe now. (Actually I think you are relatively safe, but I can easily see how the present situation arose.

There is no universal FAQ for blogging, and if there was, <.01% would read it.

Dr. V, does it make you feel more or less weird to know that baseball "fans" were originally baseball "cranks?"

Dr. Virago said...

Thanks for the sympathy, formerly-grouchy Karl, and I think you're absolutely right about their newbieness.

ADM - Since medieval Cranky Professor is an art historian, English Cranky Prof probably had no idea his blog existed. So I have to agree with Steve on this one.

Steve -- cool little slang tidbit! How odd!