Saturday, September 13, 2008


So I finally got around to reading my teaching evaluations from last year. Usually I'm better at keeping up with them, especially so that I can use any constructive comments. I was actually surprised no one complained about reading Graff's Professing Literature in last year's grad methods class. Oh well, I took it off this year's plan anyway. And it seems my students did find Chaucer: An Oxford Guide useful, despite the fact that I did a poor job of integrating it into the class. That surprised me, too; again, I was expecting complaints. (Though they did say it would be even more useful if I worked it into class more often.) OK, duly noted for next semester's Chaucer class.

Overall the evaluations were really gratifying, not only because they were full of laudatory comments that made me blush and even choke up a little bit, but because people took them seriously and wrote the kinds of constructive suggestions I just mentioned. That's really cool. I mean, I love the praise and all -- as you shall see -- but the helpful ones are greatly appreciated, too.

But I have to say, my favorite feel-good comment this year was the answer to free response question that asked the evaluator to comment on any strengths or weaknesses of the teaching. This is what s/he wrote:

Strengths -- Awesomeness
Weaknesses -- n/a

The only thing that could make the awesomeness of that awesome comment awesomer is the poster from Barney's office on How I Met Your Mother. So here it is:



Profane said...

These were my two favorites from last year:

Fall (in a Vikings course)
'He has no weakness he is Thor!!'

Spring (in a course where we read _The Tain)
'Davidson's strengths are everything like Cu Chulainn's.'

Dr. Virago said...

Ha! Those are even more awesome comments! I never get ones quite as cool as that.

Anonymous said...

Profane - Dude, you get to teach Viking class? Livin' the dream, brother. Livin' the dream. (On our campus there are a bunch of guys who dress up in armor every Saturday and whale on each other with foam swords. Those guys would totally stand in line to register for Viking Class. Hey, me too.)

Dr. V - OK, OK, geez. We couldn't very well compare you to Thor or Cuchulain, could we? Geographically inappropriate! The Wife of Bath? Crikey. Can of worms. How about "as mighty as Beowulf, with better jokes?"