Sunday, July 10, 2011

Time for a change!

You know what this blog needs to get re-started? A NEW LOCATION! Yup, I've just moved into my new digs at a fancy Wordpress blog. You can now find me here -- just replace the blogspot in this old URL with wordpress to get you there (and to update your blogrolls and RSS readers).

I thought now was a good time to move since I'm entering a new phase of my career, the amorphous "mid-career" stage. I'm not only post-tenure, but post-sabbatical (I'm not hopeful that we'll have them any more in another seven years), so it seemed like a good time to upgrade the blog a bit.

I've got a introductory post up at the new place now, and I've also moved all the archives over from here. And shortly, I really will re-commence substantive blogging. I've got a post brewing about an infuriating e-text issue and tons of pictures to show you and stuff to tell you about my research trip to London (where I was too crazily busy to find time to blog). So go check out the new place and give me some feedback there.

I've been doing all sorts of house-cleaning and moving in the electronic realm, actually. I've moved the blog from Blogger to Wordpress, started up a Google+ profile (which I really hope will ultimately take the place of Facebook), and switched up the way I do e-mail. Basically, I'm trying to move Dr. Virago's world away from Google products (although I still have a Gmail account under that name) so that I won't find myself accidentally commenting under my real name on blogs or sending an e-mail to a friend as Dr. Virago. Plus things are just prettier and sleeker over at the Wordpress blog -- go see!


Jeffrey said...

I don't know why people like wordpress so much. Blogger is also really great. I love it. my blog is on blogger too and is really fine. Cleaners in London.

Anonymous said...

Jeffrey - Welcome to the blog! Mainly I just needed a change, but I also wanted to separate my blogging identity from Google products to keep my Google-verse all consistently under my real life identity. But now that I'm over at Wordpress, I'm really impressed by how much more control I have over things there.